This is all doing my head in. One minute I'm starting the diet and then I'm not. Then one doctor says I can but then another says wait.
Well, I've had enough of waiting!
The nutritionist said to wait until either the end of October or my eczema stopping improving. Whichever comes first.
This is because we thought the b12 jabs might improve it.
I'm now putting that initial improvement down to me coming off my period. Pure coincidence. My eczema always worsens when I'm due on. It then improves as my hormones settle (another blog post methinks). Anyway, it just so happens that this time it coincided with the b12 jabs.
The difference that I have noticed however is that it heals quicker. I can have a really bad breakout which would normally lead to me waking up sore and having to bandage my hands. Now I'm always pleasantly surprised when I wake up.
I had chicken tikka 2 nights ago because I swear that is a bad one for me. True to form I had a breakout. I've also noticed a few hours after ice cream my fingers itch, burn and swell.
So, I'm going to email my nutritionist to inform him I'm doing the diet and that's that!