Sunday, 9 September 2012

MSG - Monosodium Glutamate... The sneaky one

Oh it's been a while since I sat down and typed out a blog post.

I won't go into the health reasons that have put my elimination diet on hold right now because I want to share with you some information I learned about MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

Before I saw my nutritionist I had been making notes about everything that I ate. One ingredient kept popping up over and over.

I mentioned it to my nutritionist and apparently there is a link between MSG and eczema.

He gave me a sheet of information which I'm now going to share with you. (ref Food Allergy Simpson pg 360)

MSG also known as:

1. Hydrolysed vegetable protein
2. Natural Flavouring
3. Kumbu extract
4. Ajinomoto
5. E 621

[My note: "natural flavouring" is the sneaky one in my opinion. The word "natural" conjures up something to be safe,  pure etc but this is not always the case.]

MSG naturally occurs in Tomatoes and is a constituent of parmesan cheese and camembert cheese.

Problem foods include:

1. Flavoured crisps e.g salt and vinegar flavour
2. Dips
3. Tinned and packet sauces
4. Sausages/sausage meat
5. Meat pies and other processed meats
6. Cream crackers
7. Stock cubes
8. Bisto etc
9. Chinese food

Symptoms induced by MSG :

1. Sweating
2. Palpitations
3. Headaches
4. Fainting - light headedness
5. Diarrhoea
6. Bronchospasm (rarely)

Scary stuff eh.

Please note: I have no medical knowledge and what I write on this blog is what I've experienced myself or read. I take no responsibility for my readers with regards to what they choose to do with this information. In other words,  chat to a medical professional first. :-)

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