Thursday, 24 January 2013

Weight Loss

I can't remember if I told you how the whole thing was going with regards to weight loss? Well by Day 7 I'd lost 9lb. By Day 11, I'd lost another 2lb.

So in 11 days I'd lost 11 lb. Now I never thought that would ever happen. It's now over a week since I've weighed myself. As it stands, I don't want to. I'm going on how my clothes feel. Jason says often enough in his books that weight isn't important. I agree with that because before doing this, I would wake on a "slim" day and then weigh myself and find I've put 2 lb on. This would then plummet my mood. I look back and think why didn't I just ignore the scales and enjoy that "slim" day!

So, I reckon I've put a pounds or two back on but I'm not certain. I had thought that on Day 11 and found out I'd lost 2 lb so who knows!

I'm still jucing. I have two juices a day which are both Super Juice. I just cannot start my day without it! I'm a creature of habit as you may or may not know.

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