Well, they've done the draw and the winner is.......click here to find out.
I must admit I'm disappointed but I'm also pleased for the lady who won it. They're going to do a second prize draw tomorrow. They've decided to do one because of the creativity of the videos. Well, mine wasn't creative so I don't hold out much hope. Either way, I did my video from the heart. It's totally cringe worthy to me but I hope it will inspire people. If it inspires just one person to start juicing then that's great.
So far I've got 3 friends and their partners juicing and hubby has got a couple of people at work juicing. As Jason would say, we're on a mission to juice the world!
I've lost 13lb up to now which I'm so pleased with! I've had a flare up of my eczema but that's due to eating solid food again and trying to suss out which I should avoid. I've come to the conclusion that dairy is my enemy. This was because on the detox the second I had a smoothie with yoghurt in I paid for it big time.
I confess to having some dairy yesterday so surprise, surprise....I've had a break out. It hasn't helped that my little girl has an eye infection as that has infected me.
Latest juice that I can't get enough of is a surprisingly simple one! It's called.....
Juice 2 apples and 2 carrots. That's it. It's a lovely orange colour and very yummy. So quick to do too.
I really must try to post on here more often.
Oh and here's my video entry on youtube.
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