Thursday 7 February 2013

Habitual eating....

I have a really addictive personality. I've learned that a lot of my eating is habitual. For example, a wednesday lunchtime is always a sneaky chip shop visit when I've dropped little one off at school. 

Friday night always consists of a take away. It has done for 8 years. Saturday morning is when hubby and little one go swimming and I sit in the cafe with a teacake and a cookie.

Saturday afternoon is always my "me-time" where I go into town to do a spot of shopping and then sit in a cafe and read a book...with a fizzy drink and some biscuits or cake.

Saturday night is always an unhealthy night with a pizza or something. Then cheesecake and a movie.

....and the list goes on and on. 

I was brought up in a habitual household. At the age of35 I could still give you a list of our daily meals. It was the same every week.

Well, through juicing I've learned I need to create new habits. The saturday morning one is now a fresh smoothie in the cafe. The afternoon I go shopping after I've had lunch and sit in a different cafe with a juice.

I think they say it takes 6 weeks to form a new habit? Well, I've got two weeks to go before those 6 weeks are up!

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