Thursday, 28 March 2013

I'm mentioned in Jasons latest book!

Well how exciting is this? I'm sat there reading Jasons latest book on the kindle....I turn the page and there is an email that I sent him after the last detox! Then there's the bit that follows where he is replying to it via the book. I'm still excited a few days later!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Chocolate - The Enemy? Maybe not....

Right, I'm REALLY struggling with the mentality side of all this. I'm loving juicing. I'm loving being 15lb lighter in just 3 months. However, I'm still missing my treats. Yes, those treats got me in this mess in the first place but the battle is back on.

I'd stopped craving sugar and rubbish but its creeping back. I'd not had chocolate for over a year but had replaced it with biscuits, sweets etc.

I'm trying to cut all of the above out but am struggling. Sugar is sugar and there is no healthy alternative. HOWEVER, somebody mentioned cocao to me today. Cocao is not cocoa apparently. Cocao is chocolate in its rawest form.

What I'm wondering if is if I can replace all the sugary stuff with this stuff? Would it settle that mentality of needing a treat?

Oh who knows. I'm so confused. I'm reading Jasons book at the moment, "The simple way to give up chocolate". He states that theobromine is the druggy part of chocolate. I always thought it was just the sugar. However, if I'm having cocao and it has no sugar with it...then surely getting addicted to raw cocao is okay if it isn't fattening?

For example, say I was addicted to sugar covered strawberries because I liked the taste of strawberries. Take the sugar away and they are still yummy but a darn sight healthier. Bad example? Ah well I'm just typing as I think. lol

Here is an article that was sent to me today:

What do you think about eating raw chocolate? 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Taz is baaaccckkkk!

Who is Taz? Taz is how I describe myself, whizzing around super fast doing everything. Taz was a cartoon when I was little. Just Google taz devil.

Anyway, yesterday my B12 jab kicked in. I'd had it on Monday but was feeling no different. It was yesterday that I got up and the very, angry and depressed clouds had lifted. My energy was back and so was my motivation for juicing!

It's only after I have my jab that I realise how low in b12 I'd got. For those who don't know, my gut doesn't absorb b12 which means I can only get it via my bloodstream.

Right, I'm off to juice!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Stuck in a rut

I'm thinking that I need a new project. I'm wondering if I can sort out one area of my life then the others may fall into place and I'll get back to juicing properly again?

I have done a lot of soul searching the last few days and have come to the conclusion I'm binge eating for more reasons than just craving.

Somebody in the group said to me that maybe I need to focus on the "why" I'm eating like this again, we'll I think I've sussed it.

When life feels out of control I turn to food. It's an old friend (or enemy more like) and it's a constant. I know where I am with it. I guess it's my way of taking control?

I seem to be using every excuse under the sun for why I've stopped juicing. "It's too expensive", "I've not got time "," hubby isn't bothered so no point "etc

It ISN'T expensive because I've been saying for two months that it's cheaper than a food shop.

I DO have time but I'm choosing to use that time moping.

Hubby IS bothered but as he relies on me to make them it means he's not having them so appears he's not bothered.

So, my "why"? Its a combination of being unwell with this eye infection, my lack of b12 (had jab yesterday), too much to do in house, my need to be on my own for a while, my little girls sudden attitude (she's 4),hubby working away each week, feeling fat again etc etc

I need to take control back of at least one area of my life. If I pick one then surely everything else will follow. I'm in a downward spiral and it's time to climb back up.....

Monday, 11 March 2013

A seriously big blip

I'm going to be honest. I've had a seriously big blip in my whole juicing journey.
I had kidded myself about a month after the detox I could limit myself to one treat a week. That was diet mentality from the beginning but I hadn't realised it at the time.
It was the beginning of Harold my inner gremlin rearing his ugly head again. He has become my demon again.
That one biscuit on a Saturday turned into one on a Friday too. I told myself it was a weekend treat. My hubby said at the time that I'm an all or nothing person and that it would be a slippery slope. I was determined to prove him wrong.
Well that weekend treat then turned into a Monday treat too because little one was at school. Then I started rewarding myself for juicing all day. Then I changed the shortbread biscuit for a chocolate chip biscuit. I've not eaten it since last February thanks to Jasons chocolate busting book. That then turned into chocolate chunks in biscuits.
The one biscuit a day then turned into a bag of four from the bakery at the weekend. This then turned into one midweek too. This last week I've had a bag everyday.
The shame I feel at admittimg this is immense but it needs to be done.
My panic over not having sugar has returned. My eczema has returned. My sluggishness has returned. My motivation has gone.
I've confided in the group and they have all been very supportive. I'm considering handing the group over but will see if I can turn things around this week.
I have to admit to myself that it has to be all our nothing.
The following song came on the radio and the lyrics spoke to me. I've uploaded a screenshot from my phone. I hope it's legible.