5.54am - awake with the birds again. In fact it is silent so maybe even birds have a lie in on Saturdays! Traditionally Day 3 is the hardest. I think today and tomorrow will be tough due to circumstances. Through the week, hubby has been eating at work and little one has been eating a quick defrosted, reheated precooked meal of mine that I don't like. Certain pasta dishes for example that i've frozen. However, it is now the weekend and I have both of them at home. I was very ill last night. I had a very bad fever and was shivering as much as I would when having one of my epileptic fits but sweating buckets. It was horrible. I have woken with a worse sore throat than it was before the detox. However, I am persevering! I STRONGLY believe it has nothing to do with the detox because I was already a germ factory (as hubby calls me!) the day before. It is hard doing this when unwell.
10.33am - STILL slurping my 8am juice. Do these things never defrost naturally?! I don't like to put them in warm water because somebody told me it kills the enzymes. This way they most certainly last. Hubby stole my Lemon Ginger Zinger from yesterday. I did my juices in a different order because I don't like that one. Luckily I wasnt hungry enough to want it. Well, more a case of it taking me so long to drink them that the schedule goes wonky. Lol That's a good thing. Anyway, it went into the fridge on Thurs at 6pm. Still mostly frozen when he took it out this morning! I've checked fridge temperature and it agrees with what the digital read out says. They must be well insulated bottles! Lol
7.33pm - been sooooo busy today that i've missed a juice! I've been having the ones I like first so am not too bothered that I haven't had the Detox one. I shall have tomorrow's as usual and hubby is stealing this one. He's very envious that I'm doing this. I'm going to be doing all this for him the week after our holiday. It involves a lot of Super Juice and Turbo Express so that works out well with my planned daily Super Juice.
DAY 4 VERDICT: Sorry that it hasn't been much of a post. I'm not near my tablet all day on busy weekends so the diary format doesn't work very well. Tomorrow's may well be short too as another busy day ahead. I may do more subject orientated posts on Monday. Anything you would like to read about in particular?
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