Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Effect Of One Day Of Not Juicing

Today I went into town to meet my best friend. We were meeting early so it meant I had to catch the earlier bus. Because of this it meant practically getting out of bed and out the door. I figured one morning without juice would do no harm. WRONG!

By the time we got to town I was starving. We went to a cafe in Asda and I bought a bottle of water. By the time I'd got to the till I'd been smelling the bacon for 5 minutes. I stood there drooling and the girl said "It won't do you any harm!". I figured one bacon butty wouldn't do any harm and I was starving. I ordered one. Whilst she was serving it up we got chatting about diet. I said it I'd been juicing for 3 months and had lost 16lb. She was amazed and I ended up having to write all Jasons details down on the back of my bus ticket for her!

I sat down with my bacon butty. The first bite was scrumptious (I now know that was because I was ending the hunger). The second was not so yummy. The third tasted of fat. The fourth never happened becauseI put it in the bin.

About 10 minutes later the tingling began in my fingers. I just knew that it was going to be a flare up of my eczema. I try so hard not to scratch in public but within seconds it had turned into a burning and they had gone red and inflamed. I just couldn't hold back. Within another 5 minutes I was bleeding quite badly. I was also very angry at myself.

My friend and I went on the hunt around town for somewhere that sold smoothies or fresh juice. One place (where we ended up having lunch) billed their juice on the menu as "Fresh apple juice". This turned out to be from a carton. There should be a law against that!

Anyhow, I didn't get back to my own town until about 5pm. By then my smoothie cafe was closed, my hands were wrecked and so was my self-esteem. I got home and did a juice but the damage was done.

I'm hoping that they will heal over night but I'm not going to hold my breath. That was the damage caused by not juicing all day.

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