Thursday, 9 May 2013

Day 4 - Meals at last!

Day 4 of the Clear Skin Programme 

I'm starting this blog post on Day 3. I've already published a post but now my hands are itching for the first time since Day 2 so I wanted to make a note of it for future reference:

Day 3 - 5:35 pm
My eczema is itching on my right hand. I'm not burning or anything but it definitely wants scratching. It's dry on my hands but I'm reluctant to put my Hydromol on because that makes it red and burn just lately. I'm not doing the coconut oil for another 3 hours. That is too greasy to put on now whilst I'm doing little ones dinner. Anyway, for future reference, today other than my juices I've had mango, pineapple and melon in the morning. I had a banana an hour or so ago.

Day 4 - 12:56 pm
As a wise man once said: "To parmesan or not to parmesan? That is the question " lol
Day 4 and I can finally have a soup or salad. I'm putting for a salad because I want to get my teeth around something meaty. Oo-er missus!
Anyway, the recipe calls for parmesan cheese. Now, I'm unsure about if dairy affects me or not. When I did the 7/7 plan I broke out after the yoghurt smoothie. HOWEVER, was it because I'd spent all day expecting it to happen. Remember, I do also scratch with anxiety.
Sooooo....I've bought parmesan but don't know as yet if to add it. After all, the recipe also calls for chicken which is another suspect. Then on the other hand, both might be fine but I'll scratch due to thinking they won't be! Decisions, decisions.... 

1:33 pm

Well, I had one of the salads for lunch. The Warm, Organic, Free Range Chicken & Avocado Salad. View the recipe by clicking here.

I altered it to my own tastes which I've included in the notes on the above link.

3:28 pm

My eczema has been odd today. I'm finding its itching slightly but more because of dryness. I get different itches. When its food related (in my opinion) it tends to swell up and go red. It feels like its on fire from the inside. Today its due to dryness. You see, I've stopped using my Hydromol as a moisturiser. I'm still using it to wash in and still getting the redness as a result. The only moisturising I'm doing is with the coconut oil at night. I'm thinking I may take a bit of time in the day with the coconut oil on my hands and wear cotton gloves? 

Updated photos can be seen by clicking here or the photos tab above.


Just finished Jason Vales Orange Soup. Click here to view the recipe. Yummy!

I've also just filmed and uploaded todays diary. To view todays video diary click here.

I'm thinking also whether its worth doing the video diary. I'm averaging 15 views a day so I'm not sure its worth it. Maybe just doing the blog? What do you think? Please comment below.

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