This before photo was taken last year. I'd put a further stone on after this was taken but avoided photos thereafter for obvious reasons. The second one shows me with my "fat" jeans. I wish I'd taken measurements in January but this shows how many inches I've lost.
All about juicing for a healthier lifestyle, inspired by the Juicemaster himself, Jason Vale
Friday, 7 June 2013
Latest Before and After Photos
This before photo was taken last year. I'd put a further stone on after this was taken but avoided photos thereafter for obvious reasons. The second one shows me with my "fat" jeans. I wish I'd taken measurements in January but this shows how many inches I've lost.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Where Have I Gone?
Well, to be honest, life has got on top of me and I'm starting to think my honesty is not a good thing. What I mean is that I'm too open. Before blogs were invented I would have cringed if somebody had found my diary (as in on paper) so why all of a sudden do I want to share my deep and meaningfuls with the world?? Its okay if its positive or funny stuff but over the last few day I've bared my soul. I've left those posts up but the videos have been changed to private.
A lot of stuff has happened in the last few days, one of which has had me questioning life. Seeing a four year old girl laughing at her birthday party, but knowing at the same time she won't live long enough for her next one has hit me hard. On top of that a relative is very ill.
I don't know if I shall go back to blogging quite so personally again. I'll just stick to recipes, articles etc I think. I've decided to shut myself off from the internet for a while and relax. The Clear Skin Programme had took me back to diet mentality. I've not had that for the four months of juicing but as soon as I started the programme it came back. I don't feel like it through a detox but I have done for the last week. I came off of it at the weekend and feel free again.
Anyway, since shutting myself away from the internet this last few days, my eczema is easing off. I assume its because I'm not anxious? Who knows.
Enough of the analysing and amateur psychology. In the words of the Terminator...I'll be back....
Friday, 10 May 2013
Day 5 - Disaster! Am I a fraud or can it be fixed??
1:01 pm
As I type this I'm listening to Jasons Slim For Life Reboot CD. I should be giving it my full attention I know.
Anyway, disaster has struck. I've given up. I'm only 5 days in and I've given up. How pathetic is that??
I've spent 3 days drinking a green juice all day and a bit of fruit. I lost 3 lb in that time. Yesterday I had the same juice, a salad and a soup. They were all yummy now I've altered the juice recipe quantities.I've just weighed myself to find I've lost another pound. 4 lb in 4 days. So...why am I now sat next to a packet of biscuits??
I've just filmed a video, but for those who aren't in a position to view it, here is some bits and bobs. For the last 4 months I've not felt deprived. I didn't even feel deprived doing the detox. Why? Because there was an end to it. After that I could eat what I wanted to IF I wanted to. Which I didn't.
However, doing this 30 day programme I have a set menu and even at the end of the 30 day programme, I can't go back to eating stuff I know I shouldn't have, even if I DON'T want to. Does that make sense? I feel deprived. My hubby just pointed out that I still have a choice. Do I eat what will irritate my eczema? No. So why do I feel like I have no choice? Because I will know those things hurt me so it would be stupid to have them.
Somebody said to me today about how our mind affects our skin. How our past can be unresolved. I kind of understand but thinking about it did lead me to a revelation.
I've realised what a love/hate relationship I have with my body. For years before I met my hubby I was beaten and mentally abused by boyfriends. Yes, plural. I learned to hate myself. I learned to hate my mind, my body and my skin.
Now think about it like this. If somebody hated you so much that they hurt you, would you not hate them back? If you were being nice to them and they continued to hurt you, wouldn't you want to hurt them back? Well that's the relationship I have with my body. I hate my body and my body got fat and made me ill. Then I tried to be nice to it by detoxing, putting fruit and veg in etc. Did my body repay me? Well, sort of. It got slimmer and some of my health problems went. However, it still attacked me from the outside. No matter how nice I am to it, my eczema gets horrid and then I hate myself again. When I hate myself I then stop caring about my body and I hurt it with what I eat. It then in return hurts me with weight gain and eczema. Vicious cycle.
Anyway, I figure that is whats going on. I'm now back in the "arseholes to my body" stage again. I'm eating these biscuits as I type in a defiant way. The kind of defiance I never had in those relationships. I have a hubby now who loves me and compliments me, so why do I still hate myself so much?
I'm wondering now if I'm getting too open about things?? Maybe I should stop the blog, stop the diary etc. I asked yesterday for comments about if to carry on the video and not one comment was made. Speaks for itself eh.
2:27 pm
I've been listening to his CD on and off and he's just said something that hit a nerve "Don't hit the sugar button". Yep, I hit it and I'm sat here totally dissatisfied. I'm like that mouse that he talks about in his book. I'm so annoyed at myself. I demolished the whole packet of biscuits. I soooo wanted a breakout afterwards so that I could see how stupid I've been....but nothing. Not even a tingle!!!! WHY?!
Sigh, so angry at myself for undoing the last 4 days. I DON'T want to go back to the 3 days of green juices. :-(
To view todays video diary (filmed at midday) please click here.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Day 4 - Extra video diary entry....
Feeling crap. This extra video diary speaks for itself. Click here to view
Day 4 - Meals at last!
Recipe: Warm, Organic, Free Range Chicken & Avocado Salad
This is from the Jason Vale Clear Skin Programme with my own notes below of how I altered it.
Warm, Organic, Free Range Chicken & Avocado Salad.
Recipe - Jason Vales Orange Soup
Orange Soup
1/2 Butternut Squash
1 small Red Onion
1 tbsp vegetable oil
3 medium carrots
1 vegetable stock cube
How to make:
Peel the butternut squash and remove the seeds. Peel the carrots and red onion and chop all the vegetables into small chunks.
Prepare the stock by dissolving the stock cube into 600 ml (1 pint) of boiling water.
In a large saucepan heat the oil and add all the vegetables and season with black pepper. Gently sweat the vegetables in the pan with the lid on for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes
Remove from heat and using a blender (hand or jug) blend the soup until smooth. Pour into a bowl and enjoy.
My Personal Notes
I decided to double the recipe so I can freeze some to save me time another day. Can I just add that butternut squashes are a pain in the proverbial to peel!!!!
It made enough for 4 people in the end! And its yummy! :-)
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Day 3 - Out The Other Side?
To view my video diary (filmed BEFORE the post that you are about to read) please click here.
8:01 am
YAAAAYYYYYY! I got through a whole night with no scratching! There is a marked improvement in my eczema. Updated photo on the photos page. Click here to view.
Wow! It's really spurred me on now to continue. I've got a tingling in my right hand as I type that. Psychological?
I changed the recipe slightly again. As you know, I'm drinking the same green juice, three times daily for three days. Today is the last day of that. Well on Monday I did the recipe as instructed but minus the celery. If I'd added that I would never have drank it because it makes me retch, the smell and the taste. So, to replace the celery, I upped the spinach. Yack. I also had to add an unripe avo-piggin-cado (as they've been renamed for the last 4 months!).
Yesterday I did the correct amount of spinach, left out the celery but upped the cucumber. I also had to use an unripe avo-piggin-cado. It was much nicer.
Today, I did the correct amounts (minus the celery) but upped the apple and used a RIPE avo-piggin-cado. Delicious!!!! It tastes so much like my favourite juice the Super Juice. Yummy. Whether it tastes as nice as the day goes on is yet to be seen. I do find flavours change as the day goes on.
Oh and note to self, make sure the blender lid is on straight before filling it with 3 batches and turning it on. I'm still trying to locate places it might have splashed! lol
I'm buzzing right now! I've just realised that it is over 12 hours since I last scratched!!!! Having my mid morning fruit snack of pineapple, mango and melon. Mmmmm
12:32 pm
Time for juice number 2. PLEASE let it taste as yummy as this morning....
Brown due to the apples but still tastes yum. I need something to drink juices out of where I can't see the contents. lol
2.32 pm
I just couldn't resist weighing myself....
Well that means I'm halfway to losing what I put on when I was on holiday without my juicer. Yay!
I'm hungry. I've had to reach for a banana. Mmm. One juice left for the day.
I'm on such a high today! Eczema improved, weight loss, mind clear. Yay!
To view my video diary (filmed BEFORE the post that you have just read) please click here.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Day 2 - Jason Vales Clear Skin Programme
To view todays video diary please click here
11:16 am
I'm at my Mums for the day which means things are extra tough because I love her cooking. We're not going home until about 7.30, so it's going to be a long day. I've just visited my Nan who greeted me with the words "I've baked you some of your favourite gonger cake!"
ARGH! Luckily my Nan understands my plight with my eczema so she was fine when I told her what I'm doing.
13:43 pm
I'm hungry. I've had a bowl of raspberries and that's taken the edge off. I've stupidly left drink number 3 at home (I picked up one flask for lunch but forgot tonights. Duh!
4.37 pm
I've had to go upstairs at my Mums and watch TV for an hour. I couldn't bear the smell of the meat cooking. I'd like to say that its because I know it's bad for me, but that's not the reason. Quite simply it's because I'm hungry! Oh the smell of carrots is divine!
I swear my eczema is worse than ever but it was said that it could get worse before it improves.
7.58 pm
Well, I've finally had my last juice of the day. I'm quite embarrassed to admit that I'm looking forward to Blue Sheet Hour. I can't remember if I mentioned it yesterday. If I didn't then it's when I get to cover my body in coconut oil, lie on the bed with my eyes closed and listen to Jason Vales hypnosis CD. Bliss!
I've also uploaded a before photo which you can view on the photos tab above, scrolling down or by clicking here
To view todays video diary please click here
Monday, 6 May 2013
Food for thought...
"I recently came across this written by Shannon Spaunburg back in 2001. Life is a Journey its called and I think every word written strikes a note with me personally as it sums up the sometimes difficult journey through life that we all experience. Hope you enjoy reading it. :)
Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges.
Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don't realize that at the time.
Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced with determines what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.
When things don't always go our way, we have two choices in dealing with the situations. We can focus on the fact that things didn't go how we had hoped they would and let life pass us by, or two, we can make the best out of the situation and know that these are only temporary setbacks and find the lessons that are to be learned.
Time stops for no one, and if we allow ourselves to focus on the negative we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. We can't go back to the past, we can only take the lessons that we have learned and the experiences that we have gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartaches, as well as the hardships, that in the end help to make us a stronger person.
The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose until it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while.
It is often the people who stay for only a short time that end up making a lasting impression not only in our lives, but in our hearts as well. Although we may not realize it at the time, they will make a difference and change our lives in a way we never could imagine. To think that one person can have such a profound affect on your life forever is truly a blessing. It is because of these encounters that we learn some of life's best lessons and sometimes we even learn a little bit about ourselves.
People will come and go into our lives quickly, but sometimes we are lucky to meet that one special person that will stay in our hearts forever no matter what. Even though we may not always end up being with that person and they may not always stay in our life for as long as we like, the lessons that we have learned from them and the experiences that we have gained from meeting that person, will stay with us forever.
It's these things that will give us strength to continue on with our journey. We know that we can always look back on those times of our past and know that because of that one individual, we are who we are and we can remember the wonderful moments that we have shared with that person.
Memories are priceless treasures that we can cherish forever in our hearts. They also enables us to continue on with our journey for whatever life has in store for us. Sometimes all it takes is one special person to help us look inside ourselves and find a whole different person that we never knew existed. Our eyes are suddenly opened to a world we never knew existed- a world where time is so precious and moments never seem to last long enough.
Throughout this adventure, people will give you advice and insights on how to live your life but when it all comes down to it, you must always do what you feel is right. Always follow your heart, and most importantly never have any regrets. Don't hold anything back. Say what you want to say, and do what you want to do, because sometimes we don't get a second chance to say or do what we should have the first time around.
It is often said that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. It all depends on how one defines the word "strong" It can have different meanings to different people. In this sense, "stronger" means looking back at the person you were and comparing it to the person you have become today. It also means looking deep into your soul and realizing that the person you are today couldn't exist if it weren't for the things that have happened in the past or for the people that you have met. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason and sometimes that means we must face heartaches in order to experience joy."
Day 1 - Jason Vale Clear Skin Programme
For my mid morning snack I had some raspberries. I LOVE raspberries. I think the berries I'm to avoid are strawberries
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Day 0 - Jason Vales Clear Skin Programme
Tomorrow I begin the Jason Vale Clear Skin Programme and I'm really excited!!!
My eczema is rubbish again and I'm sorry to say that I'm pinning all my hopes on this. I probably shouldn't, but hey, a bit of optimism never did anyone any harm eh?
Mind you, I pinned a lot of hope on the 5 lb in 5 days (5/5) detox and ended up bitterly disappointed and upset. Not with regards to the weightloss side of it (I lost 6 lb) but because of my eczema. I'd hoped for the same dramatic improvement as on the 7 lb in 7 days (7/7) detox. However, with hindsight I can see the 5/5 had less apples and avocados and I strongly believe they helped before.
I drink a LOT of Super Juice which has apple and avocado in it. I double the avocado too.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 1. I plan on doing a video diary and photos. I'll embed them in my daily post.
I'm writing today's entry via my phone which is why there are no links or photos. To read about the programme visit Jasons site at
On my next entry I'll post the exact links and before photos.
I'm also quite excited because I've discovered a new cream after reading an article in a magazine. (photo at the end of blog entry)
Its called Care Aqueous Emollient Cream (sls free). At present I use Hydromol. It was prescribed to me by a dermatologist over a year ago. It was wonderful and soothing. I also use it as a soap substitute. However it now stings and makes my skin red. I find a cream can be my friend for a year (miracle cream) and then it turns against me. My GP will be pleased because they want me to stop using it because "it costs the NHS too much money" (I get free prescriptions).
Isn't that why I pay National Insurance?
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
This page is evolving!
What I've been doing for the last 2 months is building a site behind the scenes of my inspired by jason vale blog. It is a forum based site and will be private and members only. Free of course.
It will be divided up into forums to make it easier for us all to keep track on what we're interested in the most.
Other features:
* Section showing inspiring videos
* Gallery of inspirational quotes that you lot have been posting
* A link to a friends recipe site.
* A place for people to put links to their blogs
* A section with peoples inspirational stories, before and after photos etc
* Raw Food forum for those who are interested in that side of things
* Growing your own fruit and veg
* Events section where we can set up individual group detoxes and you can keep all the posts related to that detox in one place
* Calendar showing the above
* Jason Vale related news
* Links to useful websites
* A whole directory of advice and information that previous people have asked. (It will link to the original post in the facebook group and then will have bullet points of what was recommended)
*...and more!!!
That is just the tip of the iceburg but if there is anything else you would like me to add then please mention it here.
Once its up and running there will be a "jobs" board where I shall be asking for people who would moderate each section. This is because I'm not clued up on the whole raw food thing and there are certain people (who spring to mind) that might like to run their own section (posting their own questions to people, photos, advice etc).
This will lessen it a bit for me and would make it a darn sight easier for ppeople to keep up with what's happened in the past. No more scrolling down a very long facebook page!
Should be up and running very soon. What do you reckon? x
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Out To Sea
I'm writing this blog post on my phone whilst sat on an extremely rocky sea crossing home from a weeks holiday in the Isles of Scilly. Even though it won't be published for several hours, I need to distract myself because I feel so sick! All I can think is how a nice ginger shot would help (1/2 apple, 4cm of ginger).
I dread to think how much weight I've put on. I even considered taking my juicer in the cargo hold! I didn't however. I bought carton after carton of Innocent smoothies and juices. I figured it was the next best thing to go with eating solid fruit. I've got so used to juicing that the habit lies in the drinking of fruit and veg rather than the eating of it.
It was a slippery slope. I started off the week concentrating on making my food as low HI as possible but then little one wanted an ice cream. Just one would do no harm right? Wrong. One ice cream opened the flood gates for me.
We had arrived on a Saturday and I didn't go shopping until the Sunday. Big mistake. The Isles of Scilly shop is very small and their next delivery wasn't until late Monday. No fruit or veg!!!
We had a few grapes, some strawberries and an apple left over from our journey. Little one claimed those naturally. We headed out for a meal and the veg that was served up was so microwaved that the yellow from the sweetcorn was stained onto the cauliflower! So mushy. Bleurgh!
The next day (sunday) didn't improve fruit and veg wise. I had a salad out which was nice at least. On Monday I raided the local shop!
I've lived having no mobile phone signal though. I've not been on facebook, in the group or blogged in over a week. It's been quite liberating! I'm going to have a lot to catch up on when I do go in the group.
So, how has no juicing and the slippery slope of bad eating affected me? Not good. I've been bloated, irritable and groggy. I've not slept and when I have its not been of any quality.
I really need to get back to my juicer. We've got another hour on the boat, then 6 hours in the car. By the time you read this I'll be home. Until I go shopping the only fruit and veg in the house is 2 frozen avocados, frozen berries and frozen parsnip. Hm....
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Day 4 - Losing Momentum (Plus update to include a recipe)
When I did this back in January, I did it to lose weight. I was 2 stone overweight and my eczema was hideous. As the 7 days went on, the weight dropped off (lost 9lb in the end) and my eczema by Day 3 was so much clearer and by Day 7 had pretty much gone.
This time however, it's not happening. I've added a photo below of my progress day by day. As you can see there isn't much difference. I had a breakout last night which I'm assuming is down to the berries in one of the juices. Today I had the same juice first thing and just now. (Juice 1 and 2 were both a green juice). I decided not to have the orange one today as planned because I know oranges would irritate. Anyway, a few minutes ago I had a big flare up. I'm so upset again now. I don't understand. I had a juice at 10am and this flare up came before the 1pm juice (which I had at 3pm instead). I just don't get whats caused it.
***UPDATE*** Todays recipe was Nature's Super Blend. 2 apples, handful of baby spinach leaves, 1/2 courgette, 1 lime, 2 carrots, 1/4 cucumber, 2 cm broccoli, 1/2 stalk celery, 1/4 green bell pepper, 1/2 avocado. Juice all but the avocado and then blend with the avocado.*****
I was going to go in the facebook group and post how I felt but I'd just said I would stay away for a few hours as I'm always in there. I love the group and helping people, supporting them etc but its taking over. There is nothing I can do about it because I want to read everything! It's not an administration problem if you get me. I can't share the load because the "load" is just me wanting to read every single word. lol
We reached over 300 members this morning. Wow! I never thought it would take off like this.
Anyway, so my eczema is rubbish. I can tell I've lost a couple of pound but as I say, the weightloss isn't important any more. (I shall still be pleased believe me. lol).
I've not done a video diary for today because well, it will just be a big moan. I SHOULD feel happy today. I SHOULD feel the juicy high. I SHOULD have clear skin.
Why? Why haven't I??
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Day 3 - Video Diary And An Eczema Improvement?
I film it but I don't watch it back because I hate seeing myself on camera.
I definitely feel better today so I would guess tonights video will be a bit more bouncy.
I've done a motivational video for the facebook group, so if you're a member head over to this link to view it and this link to join the group.
I've done an updated photo of my eczema (scroll to the end of post) and you can already see a slight improvement. You can also see this by clicking here.
Anyway, here's the link to my video diary. Click here to view the whole channel.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Day 2 - Video Diary And An Important Tip
So here's my tip....DRINK WATER!
I've done a motivational video for the facebook group, so if you're a member head over to this link to view it and this link to join the group.
I've done an updated photo of my eczema (scroll to the end of post) and you can already see a slight improvement. You can also see this by clicking here.
Anyway, here's the link to my video diary. Click here to view.
Click to enlarge |
Monday, 8 April 2013
Day 1 of The Big Juice Spring Clean - Mental juice
I've called this post "Mental Juice" because the whole mental problems have kicked in already! What I mean is I've got to adjust to just juice again. For example, I went out with friends this morning to a coffee shop. I don't drink coffee anyway but when they got something to eat I was drooling! I sat there with my water and told myself I could do it.
Then we went out shopping. Again we walked through a cafe and all I could see was FOOD! I had another bottle of water to keep the hunger at bay.
I did all the juicing last night as an experiment. Usually I juice fresh but as hubby had to leave at just gone 7am I figured I'd do them the night before and freeze all but the first one. Hubby nearly went to work without his flasks! Luckily he remembered and came back. Oops.
I've found that juices with citrus in tend to taste stronger after a period of time cold or frozen. The first two of the day were fine but I'm yet to find out what the 4pm juice tastes like. I'll let you know tomorrow.
I'm also wondering on the whole mental side of it whether the headache is all in the mind. I can feel it beginning and it doesn't make sense. Last time I had it on Day 2 and that was detoxing from a life of sugar, crisps, fizzy, sweets, processed food etc. This time I'm not so maybe its just a coincidence?
The facebook group has gone loopy! We've swelled from about 180 members to 232 today alone! It just took one mention. It's great to have so many new members. :-)
I started the day off with a motivational video for the group. I'm thinking that every night I shall do a video for the blog. A video diary if you like.
I'm also considering taking twice daily photos of my eczema to watch it improve (do you like my positivity?)
Also I weighed myself and I'm on 10st 2 lb. I've lost 16 lb since January 7th 2013. My waist measurement was 33 and a quarter inches.
Anyway, is anyone else out there doing this at the same time? If so, please comment below on how it's going for you also.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
DAY 0 - The Day Before The Detox - Before Photos
After the 7 day detox back in January, I had my freedom back. Freedom from the food trap and freedom from the 35 year eczema trap. For the first time in my life I could proudly hold out my hand for change in a shop. I could proudly shake hands with someone and I could deal with food for visitors without feeling the need to put gloves on. I wasn't ashamed for the first time in my life and I am eternally grateful to Jason for giving me that freedom.
However, after nearly 3 months of eating solid foods. (occasionaly unhealthy ones but 95% healthy) I am right back where I started. I'm coming to the conclusion that maybe strawberries are a culprit? I LOVE strawberry and banana smoothies you see.
Anyway, I've decided to upload the before photos for this detox. Please look away now if you're easily repulsed. (Click to enlarge...if you dare)
Saturday, 6 April 2013
How To Juice Fast
Friday, 5 April 2013
Emotional Eating With A Twist
I had promised my 4 and a half year old lunch out as it is the last day of Easter holidays. We have a half hour walk to our cafe that does fresh smoothies. We were about 5 minutes away and she was screaming about something. She was going on and on and on and I was getting more and more gggrrr.
I turned and said if she didn't stop screaming and shouting (I can't even remember what the hissy fit was about) then I would turn around and walk home. She carried on. We set off on our 25 minute walk home.
By the time we got through the door I was feeling faint (honestly) with hunger. I was also fuming and usually my response would be to stuff my face with the most fatty calorie laden food I could find.....BUT.....
...I didn't. I was soooo angry that I was missing out on my smoothie in my favourite cafe that I decided to make my own! I ended up making a batch soooo big that the fridge is full of flasks and I've already had a pint glass! I can't believe how productive I got in anger. Shame I didn't use it on the housework. lol
Anyway, this is the recipe. There would be a photo but I drank it in anger too. lol
Take 5 apples and juice them by pushing the thingymajig down whilst going GRRRR
Grab 2 bananas and peel them imagining all your anger stripping away.
Instead of chopping them, rip them into little bits and fling into the blender.
Grap a several handfuls of summer berries, and squish them in your hands to remove stress before putting into the blender.
Pour the apple juice into the blender calmly (or you'll get wet!)
Switch the blender on to full purely so it makes a lot of noise whilst you say "GGRRRR" until you feel better.
Pour into a glass, pop a straw in and sit back and relax.
This makes a LARGE batch. lol
Spring Detox Starts Monday!
We have 187 members to date and I'm anticipating quite a lot more once the detox starts on April 8th. Well, this will only happen if somebody mentions it on Jasons page of course.
I can't believe that 3 months down the line the group is still so popular. I originally started it just to keep in touch with about 10 of the people that I'd got used to reading on Jasons page through the Worlds Biggest Juice Detox in January. It was supposed to be continued support. Word got out and it got busier and busier and as a result I've made LOADS of new friends. :-)
The group has got me through many blips and I can say without a doubt that if it wasn't for the group I'd have gone back to my old ways.
Today I asked in the group what the most inspiring things that Jason has said that stick in their minds. I have a terrible memory so will paraphrase my favourites.
Eat it and shut up, or don't eat it but SHUT UP! I hear that when I'm having a craving of some sort.
I also like the one about moping around hoping I won't eat something that I don't want. Or something like that. It is soooo true.
So, an update on where I am just before the Spring Detox starts. I weigh 10stone 1 pound which means a total of 16 lb loss since January 7th. I would give my measurements but its something I didn't do. I'd love to know how many inches I've lost. I can say that I've gone from a supermarket size 14 to a supermarket size 10. Admittedly they are slightly stretchy jeans but I do have a pair of supermarket size 10s that I can very nearly do up. I use the phrase "supermarket jeans" because I know that Next and other high street would label those as size 12. I say that because I bought some size 10 Next jeans that I plan to get into!
So, nearly time for the Big Juice Spring Clean. (also known as 5lb in 5 days) If you haven't yet got Jasons book then the link is below.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
The Effect Of One Day Of Not Juicing
By the time we got to town I was starving. We went to a cafe in Asda and I bought a bottle of water. By the time I'd got to the till I'd been smelling the bacon for 5 minutes. I stood there drooling and the girl said "It won't do you any harm!". I figured one bacon butty wouldn't do any harm and I was starving. I ordered one. Whilst she was serving it up we got chatting about diet. I said it I'd been juicing for 3 months and had lost 16lb. She was amazed and I ended up having to write all Jasons details down on the back of my bus ticket for her!
I sat down with my bacon butty. The first bite was scrumptious (I now know that was because I was ending the hunger). The second was not so yummy. The third tasted of fat. The fourth never happened becauseI put it in the bin.
About 10 minutes later the tingling began in my fingers. I just knew that it was going to be a flare up of my eczema. I try so hard not to scratch in public but within seconds it had turned into a burning and they had gone red and inflamed. I just couldn't hold back. Within another 5 minutes I was bleeding quite badly. I was also very angry at myself.
My friend and I went on the hunt around town for somewhere that sold smoothies or fresh juice. One place (where we ended up having lunch) billed their juice on the menu as "Fresh apple juice". This turned out to be from a carton. There should be a law against that!
Anyhow, I didn't get back to my own town until about 5pm. By then my smoothie cafe was closed, my hands were wrecked and so was my self-esteem. I got home and did a juice but the damage was done.
I'm hoping that they will heal over night but I'm not going to hold my breath. That was the damage caused by not juicing all day.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Seven Stages of Avocados
I remember the 7 day detox. I ended up doing the first 5 days minus the avocados and spent those 5 days cursing them. It was almost as if every morning if I said to them "Ripen for Pete's sake!" that they would. Can I now add that Avo-piggin-cados are deaf also. ;-)
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Had a Blip? This Will Help....
Thursday, 28 March 2013
I'm mentioned in Jasons latest book!
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Chocolate - The Enemy? Maybe not....
I'd stopped craving sugar and rubbish but its creeping back. I'd not had chocolate for over a year but had replaced it with biscuits, sweets etc.
I'm trying to cut all of the above out but am struggling. Sugar is sugar and there is no healthy alternative. HOWEVER, somebody mentioned cocao to me today. Cocao is not cocoa apparently. Cocao is chocolate in its rawest form.
What I'm wondering if is if I can replace all the sugary stuff with this stuff? Would it settle that mentality of needing a treat?
Oh who knows. I'm so confused. I'm reading Jasons book at the moment, "The simple way to give up chocolate". He states that theobromine is the druggy part of chocolate. I always thought it was just the sugar. However, if I'm having cocao and it has no sugar with it...then surely getting addicted to raw cocao is okay if it isn't fattening?
For example, say I was addicted to sugar covered strawberries because I liked the taste of strawberries. Take the sugar away and they are still yummy but a darn sight healthier. Bad example? Ah well I'm just typing as I think. lol
Here is an article that was sent to me today:
What do you think about eating raw chocolate?
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Taz is baaaccckkkk!
Who is Taz? Taz is how I describe myself, whizzing around super fast doing everything. Taz was a cartoon when I was little. Just Google taz devil.
Anyway, yesterday my B12 jab kicked in. I'd had it on Monday but was feeling no different. It was yesterday that I got up and the very, angry and depressed clouds had lifted. My energy was back and so was my motivation for juicing!
It's only after I have my jab that I realise how low in b12 I'd got. For those who don't know, my gut doesn't absorb b12 which means I can only get it via my bloodstream.
Right, I'm off to juice!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Stuck in a rut
I'm thinking that I need a new project. I'm wondering if I can sort out one area of my life then the others may fall into place and I'll get back to juicing properly again?
I have done a lot of soul searching the last few days and have come to the conclusion I'm binge eating for more reasons than just craving.
Somebody in the group said to me that maybe I need to focus on the "why" I'm eating like this again, we'll I think I've sussed it.
When life feels out of control I turn to food. It's an old friend (or enemy more like) and it's a constant. I know where I am with it. I guess it's my way of taking control?
I seem to be using every excuse under the sun for why I've stopped juicing. "It's too expensive", "I've not got time "," hubby isn't bothered so no point "etc
It ISN'T expensive because I've been saying for two months that it's cheaper than a food shop.
I DO have time but I'm choosing to use that time moping.
Hubby IS bothered but as he relies on me to make them it means he's not having them so appears he's not bothered.
So, my "why"? Its a combination of being unwell with this eye infection, my lack of b12 (had jab yesterday), too much to do in house, my need to be on my own for a while, my little girls sudden attitude (she's 4),hubby working away each week, feeling fat again etc etc
I need to take control back of at least one area of my life. If I pick one then surely everything else will follow. I'm in a downward spiral and it's time to climb back up.....
Monday, 11 March 2013
A seriously big blip
Friday, 22 February 2013
Star In A Documentary With Jason Vale!
Anyway, there is a video to watch at:
Here is the text from Jasons facebook page:
"GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO GET HEALTHY THAN EVER AND BE PART OF A GROUND BREAKING DOCUMENTARY! Please Share This Post if you know someone who needs help and wants to be part of this. I am looking for 6 people to be part of my documentary based around my One Disease One Solution philosophy. I am looking for just 6 people to join me at Juicy Oasis Health Retreat & Spa in Portugal from July 13th - August 10th 2013. You need to have an illness which you have suffered from for a while and where a regular diet or medical drugs don't seem to be helping. I am looking for people with either Obesity, Arthritis, Gout, Eczema, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Asthma, Cardiovascular Disease, CFS, IBS, Anaemia etc. As all disease has a spectrum, I am looking for people who have fairly to very severe cases of these conditions. I need to help people whose life is being controlled by their condition. No doubt there will be many people who have several conditions as rarely does the body manifest just one symptom of disease. If you are obese, chances are you have high cholesterol, diabetes and several other health challenges. Ideally I am looking for someone who is also on medical drugs, but not essential. I am looking for at least two people who are obese and have other conditions at the same time. Please watch the video and then send in your own video, I will watching ALL the videos personally and picking who comes myself as this documentary means a great deal to me. It doesn't matter how long the video is and it doesn't have to be 'fancy', it just has to be real. Tell me why you must be one of the 6 people who need to take part in this groundbreaking documentary. I will clearly pay for you to be at the health retreat for a month and your transfers getting there, you may need to pay for your flight depending on where you are in the world. This is open worldwide, so where ever you are tell me why you have to be part of this. Tell me how this disease is affecting your life and what restrictions it has. Also tell me your fears for the future if you don't get help. This may not be you but you know someone, so maybe you need to do a video on their behalf. I apologise already that I can only take six people, but this documentary will help millions all over the world. So what are you doing between 13th July and 10th August - fancy a month filming a documentary with me at my new retreat in Portugal? You will also be asked to do filming before at your home and after the retreat to 'catch up' with you and your health a while after the treatment. We will have a Dr with us taking all the stats and keeping an eye on things to make sure this is all done in a very professional way. If you think this is you get your video shot this weekend and send in next week as I need to pick people asap. Send your video to - look forward to turning your health around in Portugal and please share this post so the right people can get the right help."
Monday, 11 February 2013
Facebook group
I spent the last two days organising all the posts into folders. Now at a glance people can find:
Useful links and downloads (15)
Videos and Audio (21)
Advice and Information - (28)
Recipes (29)
Articles of Interest (17)
Our Favourites Lists (8)
Recommended Reading (4)
Polls (2)
We have also put together a map of our members so we can see where in the world we all live.
There is no point in me posting the links because you need to be a member of the group. To join us in our chats please visit
Friday, 8 February 2013
Prepare To Be Inspired - Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
"100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health.Watch the film by clicking here and prepare to be inspired!
With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
While talking to more than 500 Americans about food, health and longevity, it's at a truck stop in Arizona where Joe meets a truck driver who suffers from the same rare condition. Phil Staples is morbidly obese weighing in at 429 lbs; a cheeseburger away from a heart-attack. As Joe is recovering his health, Phil begins his own epic journey to get well.
What emerges is nothing short of amazing – an inspiring tale of healing and human connection.
Part road trip, part self-help manifesto, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD defies the traditional documentary format to present an unconventional and uplifting story of two men from different worlds who each realize that the only person who can save them is themselves."
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Habitual eating....
Update and also the WBJD Winner...
Well, they've done the draw and the winner here to find out.
I must admit I'm disappointed but I'm also pleased for the lady who won it. They're going to do a second prize draw tomorrow. They've decided to do one because of the creativity of the videos. Well, mine wasn't creative so I don't hold out much hope. Either way, I did my video from the heart. It's totally cringe worthy to me but I hope it will inspire people. If it inspires just one person to start juicing then that's great.
So far I've got 3 friends and their partners juicing and hubby has got a couple of people at work juicing. As Jason would say, we're on a mission to juice the world!
I've lost 13lb up to now which I'm so pleased with! I've had a flare up of my eczema but that's due to eating solid food again and trying to suss out which I should avoid. I've come to the conclusion that dairy is my enemy. This was because on the detox the second I had a smoothie with yoghurt in I paid for it big time.
I confess to having some dairy yesterday so surprise, surprise....I've had a break out. It hasn't helped that my little girl has an eye infection as that has infected me.
Latest juice that I can't get enough of is a surprisingly simple one! It's called.....
Juice 2 apples and 2 carrots. That's it. It's a lovely orange colour and very yummy. So quick to do too.
I really must try to post on here more often.
Oh and here's my video entry on youtube.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Weight Loss
So in 11 days I'd lost 11 lb. Now I never thought that would ever happen. It's now over a week since I've weighed myself. As it stands, I don't want to. I'm going on how my clothes feel. Jason says often enough in his books that weight isn't important. I agree with that because before doing this, I would wake on a "slim" day and then weigh myself and find I've put 2 lb on. This would then plummet my mood. I look back and think why didn't I just ignore the scales and enjoy that "slim" day!
So, I reckon I've put a pounds or two back on but I'm not certain. I had thought that on Day 11 and found out I'd lost 2 lb so who knows!
I'm still jucing. I have two juices a day which are both Super Juice. I just cannot start my day without it! I'm a creature of habit as you may or may not know.
Friday, 18 January 2013
Inspired By Jason Vale Facebook Group
Also, Jason decided to start the detox again on the Monday and I thought it would be best not to be posting in there if we began to struggle. On Day 8 I set up a facebook group after chatting to another lady I'd met on his page (Debs).
The facebook group was set up as "I completed Jason Vale's Detox". It quickly gained members and once we reached 90 it was time to change the name. This was because we were attracting members that were either considering doing the plan or had only just started it. The original name was alienating them so we changed it to "Inspired By Jason Vale" this morning. As of today we have 94 members.
That then gave me the idea to start a blog of the same name today. So here it is! x
Before and After Photos
This next one is of my neck. The after shot was taken on Day 7 but there is even more of an improvement since then.
Interview About My Experiences On The Detox
How did you hear about juicing?
I was desperate to lose weight and bought Jason’s Slim For Life book. I wanted to understand food like slimmer people do. Why didn’t they eat so much junk like me? The book was such an eye opener! I must have told everyone I know about it until I became a Jason bore. I was particularly interested in the chocolate section because I was eating at least 4 bars a day (I’m ashamed to say) and would get in a panic if I had none.
After the Chocolate Busting book worked its magic (I was so shocked about the effects of sugar that I put the chocolate down half way through and haven’t picked it up since) I went and bought the juicer he recommended. I juiced through pregnancy and sailed through it. I was so healthy during that time but I confess that I stopped juicing afterwards due to time. That “But” did increase my “Butt” as Jason would say!
Which programmes did you follow and how did you find them?
I just picked random juices when I first bought a juicer a few years back. I had bought the 7lb in 7 days book but never got around to it. When I saw the Worlds Biggest Juice Detox I was adamant this time I would do it. I was about to start an elimination diet to solve my eczema triggers but thought this sounded a much more enjoyable way of doing it.
I bought the very useful android app and then went and got all the fruit. I found that even with hubby (Wayne) joining in, it still worked out cheaper than a usual weeks food shop. However, our diet before hand was very unhealthy and ready meals and junk food is very expensive. Having the support of the other 23,999 people and also his videos really helped. Hearing Jason talk directly to me (about the bet) really encouraged me.
What were your results?
Firstly my hubby and I made a bet (as those who followed Jason’s videos would know!). We bet that whoever lost the most weight could choose something they most desired for the other to do. I chose hubby to do the ironing (for the first time in 8 years) much to his disappointment. He chose for me to…well, let’s not go there!
The fact we had this bet made it even easier to stick to the plan. It was a massive incentive. Not to mention the fact Jason mentioned it pretty much every day as did people posting on his page. I couldn’t give up now could I?
The first difference was a headache on Day 2. This lasted through to Day 3 but with Jason’s daily videos I stuck with it to get rid of “Harold” my sugar gremlin! The second big change was on Day 3. As the headache faded away, my eczema did too. I was absolutely over the moon. I felt for the first day in my life that I could go out without long sleeves to hide my hands. I barely have movement in my fingers when it is at its worse but now I did. I found myself talking with my hands more and this was pointed out. Any excuse to show them off, as silly as that sounds.
On Day 3 it was time for the Passion 4 Juice Master which is yoghurt based. I have always suspected that dairy and soya affect my eczema and it turns out I was right. That night I had a massive breakout of eczema. However, the next morning it was much better. It was like my body had speeded up the recovery of my skin. This was yet another fascinating discovery. The next day I spent a few hours experimenting and replaced the yoghurt with rice milk. I thickened it up with more banana and it was as yummy as the original recipe.
By Day 4 my cravings for sugar had disappeared. The thought of my previous diet turned my stomach. I was thinking about eating salmon on salad and stuff. That really is not like me as anyone who knows me would say. I was also no longer that bothered about our bet, I just wanted to get healthier. I found myself exercising more and more each day due to the juice high!
I found it an absolute breeze juicing every day but I confess that Day 6 was tough. This was because I knew that on a Saturday I would usually be eating junk food. I’m a creature of habit and found myself thinking “Right now I’m usually having….”. By Day 7 I was craving the chewing experience. I wasn’t craving bad foods and I wasn’t hungry, don’t get me wrong, I just wanted to chew. I ended up getting up for a midnight feast of 2 grapes! That would normally have been a binge of junk food.
Would you recommend it to anyone else?
Definitely! I’ve got my best friend doing this in the second week. Most of the Food Police are now interested in it. Especially when they heard how much I’d lost. I can’t believe how people went on about the dangers etc. I shut them up by quoting Jason and his “side effects”. I’ve got two other people so interested that they’ve now bought the book. Hubby has managed to get another person so interested that she went out and bought the book.
It seems to be all I talk about. So much so that I’ve set up a group on facebook for those who want to keep up with other peoples progress or to support newcomers. I’ve made friends through using Jason’s page (which I pretty much lived on) and this way we can keep in touch. We welcome people who are interested in juicing. They don’t have to have completed the detox. It can be found at
How has juicing changed your life?
It’s improved my way of life massively. I’m now more confident because I no longer need to walk with my head down (to hide my eczema around my mouth). I can now hold out my hand for change in a shop without the cashier taking one disgusted look and then dumping it on the counter. I have more energy and my walk has increased from 2 miles to over 5 miles. I have more energy, my mind is clearer and I don’t feel so down all the time. The weight loss was important to me in the beginning but now the health benefits have surpassed that. I don’t want it to go back to how it was so I’m not going to ever stop juicing. I also plan on doing this once a season so will definitely be joining the Spring Clean event.
I’ve found that the first thing I want in the morning (even after the plan) is a Super Juice. I always drank water before and still do. However, I have to start the evening with a juice.
I also suffer with IBS which had also disappeared by the end of the week. I am also being investigated for suspected MS but a lot of the symptoms I suffer with have also disappeared. It’s made me realise how much junk food has been poisoning my body.
I now feel more educated about food and also the benefits of juicing. The fact that my hubby has also done the plan means life is easier with regards to meals. He has given up coffee for life which means he’s not as grumpy in the morning. I’ve not told him this but he is not like a bear with a sore head first thing!
What’s your favourite juice?
Ooh that’s hard to choose! It depends what mood I’m in. In the morning I have to have my Super Juice, it’s how I have to start the day. I love the Sherbert Lemonade of an evening, it’s so nice to crave juice! I’m looking forward to working my way through the other books and trying different juices.
I would just like to add a massive thank you to Jason for helping me to change my life. You are an inspiration!